Our Story

On many mornings in Aqaba, ladies could be singing, laughing, talking, and drinking tea while creating unique hand made items…from trash. The passer by would never imagine the path these ladies have taken to get to the center each day- divorced, orphaned, widowed, or married to a man who already has many wives, many struggling to pay for basic needs. Amidst the rubble, these ladies arrive with dignity each day, empowered to craft items to provide for the needs of themselves and their family.

Green Creations started in December of 2009 as a World Associates project. The purpose of GC is to train individuals to use recycled materials to create green income generating products: beads, jewelry, bags, bowls, purses, baskets and more. The program began with five hard working ladies who developed each component of each unique item. These items are marketed and sold to the tourist market in Aqaba and in a variety of venues in the United States. More than 70 ladies have been interviewed for the program which now employees 13 qualified ladies.  We are in the beginning stages of expanding our operation into Ramallah, Palestine.

Our products are organized based on the recycled materials used: paper, aluminum, glass and plastic. We desire to see a new generation of creative recycled products developed for the growing tourist market in Aqaba. More importantly we empower individuals who are trained to make a living based on the growing tourist market.


World Associates

World Associates, Ltd. is a non-profit development organization that alleviates basic felt needs leading to self-sufficiency, personal development, and health in the community, especially among the poor. It does so by encouraging corporate social responsibility, education, health and wellness, business trainings, job skills training and other endeavors. In the Middle East for over 10 years, WA has strategically chosen one of the oldest neighborhoods of Aqaba, Jordan as its location. The Aqaba branch seeks to prepare the people of Aqaba for the large changes taking place in their city and to help them not be overlooked as tourism and industry expand.


Green Creations is a Community Prosperity Initiative project implemented by World Associates, LTD.