A social business merging environmental awareness with poverty alleviation. |
Muna is a 53 year old Palestinian. She is married with 8 children (5 girls, 3 boys), ages 20 to 32, including 20-year-old twin girls. Six children are married and she has 18 grandchildren.
Muna wanted to be able to change her life and not just be in the house all the time. Muna says she wanted to work at Green Creations so she could learn something new. Also, she has met many new people, both local and foreign. She likes being with the women at work and enjoys doing her job.
Muna loves her grandchildren and she has a lot of them! She loves it when they come running, give her hugs, and call her ‘Teytah’ (Grandma). Muna loves to see them every day.