A social business merging environmental awareness with poverty alleviation. |
Dalal is a 49 years old Palestinian. She is married with 10 children (5 boys, 5 girls), ages 11 to 32. Five are married and she has 9 grandchildren.
Before coming to Green Creations, Dalal would babysit and worked at a restaurant to make money. Both jobs were physically hard for her. Green Creations is physically easier for her to do and she only has to work mornings so she can be home to prepare the afternoon meal for her family.
Dalal would like prayers for her 13-year-old daughter who has physical and mental challenges. She is on a government list to have a surgery which will straighten her back and relieve her of some of the pain she experiences daily. Also, Dalal is feeling pressure because of her husband’s debts. Her husband was in prison because he wrote some false checks. He is out now but doesn’t have steady work. People are demanding money from the family.