
Jawaher is a 57 years old Jordanian. She is widowed with 9 children (6 boys, 3 girls) and 9 grandchildren. She lives with her youngest children (son at university, daughter in high school).

Before working at Green Creations, Jawaher was at home all the time and felt very lonely. She had no one to talk to. She is happy to get out of the house and be with her friends at Green Creations. Now she goes to work and is able to provide some money for her children instead of sitting at home and worrying everyday.

When Jawaher began at Green Creations, she picked up the new skills from the training very quickly and that gave her a sense of pride. Even though she is an older woman, she has a job. Other people know that now and see that it is a good thing, not a shameful thing, for her to work outside the home. She is able to use the money she makes to help pay for her children’s school.